Human Resources

  • Talent Strategy
    "Talents are the first element to develop productivity"
    Attach great importance to the cultivation, development and use of human resources, establish and improve the mechanism of seeking, knowing, employing, and cultivating talents, so as to provide scientific development of the enterprise and occupy an advantage in the competition in domestic and foreign markets; provide a solid guarantee for the talent team.

  • Talent introduction
    Adhere to the talent introduction principles of "planning overall, highlighting key points, open and fair, and employing the best"
    With the purpose of serving the company's mid- and long-term development plan, and in accordance with the guidelines of "reasonable levels and classified implementation", we plan to introduce college graduates and mature talents in various fields to work in the company every year, laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the company.

  • Talent development
    Implement the overall development strategy of human resources
    Formulate a series of talent development policies and measures, and strive to provide employees with a platform for learning and training. Through job exchanges, mentorship, competitions, and selection and delivery of talent outsourcing training, the quality of the workforce is continuously improved.

  • Talent use
    Adhere to the principle of "the capable, the equal, the mediocre"
    Focusing on competitive selection and appointment, gradually establish and improve the talent appointment mechanism, incentive mechanism, supervision and evaluation mechanism, unblock all kinds of talent promotion channels, and actively create a good environment in which "people make the best use of their talents, use their talents, and use their abilities". Build a stage for all kinds of talents, provide space to display their talents, and actively explore effective talent management methods to make all kinds of outstanding talents stand out.

  • Technology Platform
    Municipal Key Laboratory, Provincial High Strength Steel Engineering Technology Research Center
    Continuously optimize the scientific research and innovation mechanism integrating production, marketing and research, create a first-class high-strength steel business platform, and provide a stage for scientific and technological talents to display their talents. Anyang Longteng provides major incentives to outstanding scientific and technological talents and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the company.