

Foundation basket for wind turbine

Updated:2022-06-18 Attention:423

Due to their relatively small circumference, shorter tubular steel towers are mounted on the foundations using a so-called foundation basket or anchor cage, which consists of a double rowed circular array of threaded steel bolts. A retainer ring, fitted to the tower flange dimensions, is used to hold the individual bolts in position. When the foundation is completed, the lower tower section is placed on the bolts protruding out of the concrete surface and then bolted with nuts and washers. 

A specially developed foundation connection system is used for taller steel towers. A cylindrical structural element is set on the blinding layer and precisely aligned with adjusting bolts. Once the foundation is completed, the tower is flanged together with the foundation section. 

Anyang Longteng foundation basket/ anchor bolt cages are subject to strict quality standards. Quality assurance begins already in the design development stages to ensure that the prototype meets all requirements before going into series production.